Sunday 11:00 -15:00
This program has been on air on InterFM since 2007. The current air time is 11am until 3pm Japan time. My program partner Maya Watanabe joined us in 2011. We are basically a FM music format program, but with a twist. The talk on the show is definitely AM. Lots of conversation, laughs and information. Weekly guests include musicians, artists, photographers, surfers, designers and whoever else that might sound interesting. We also play requests.
Unfortunately this program is only available in Japan. You can listen to it on the net for a week after it’s been on air using the Radiko program. You can find that link on the Lazy Sunday home page.
残念ながら、この番組は日本国内でのみ視聴可能です。放送後1週間はRadikoプログラムを使用してネットで聴くことができます。Lazy Sundayのホームページにそのリンクがあります。
Saturday 12:00 -18:00
A six hour music program on Shonan Beach FM. Just music! Not much talking but we play the classic hits and Fm tracks from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s (some) and anything else that comes across my ears that sounds interesting. We also take requests. This program is on air from 12noon to 6pm Japan time. You can listen to this program anywhere in the world. Just go to the Shonan Breeze Saturday home page and click on the “Listen Now” button.
・What’s Up Japan
Monday 02:00-04:00
A music program focusing on Japanese music on Shonan Beach FM. We play City Pop, Hard Rock, Island, Folk, basically if it was released in Japan we will probably play it. Unless……. The show comes on in the middle of the night here in Japan, Monday mornings 2am to 4am Japan time. You can listen to this anywhere in the world. Go to the Shonan Beach home page and click on “Listen Now” button.
DJ Nights
Quattro Labo
Every Wednesday
Check My Schedule▶▶▶
毎週水曜日。ここではでっかいスピーカーでLP レコードをかけてます。リクエスト、オッケー。
DiningBar Cafe Typhoo
One a month on Thursday
Check My Schedule▶▶▶
A weekly youtube channel updated every few days. Originally, we started this a few years ago to promote the Surfer’s Journal Magazine, but we realized that the magazine only came out every two months, so, we just started ad libbing, talking stories about music, surfing, restaurants, people, whatever came up. We never know until the filming what exactly we will be talking about.
What's Up Japan---
I figured I should do a youtube channel in English for foreign consumption. I live in Kamakura so I can pretty much find something to film everyday. More to come on this one.
Life in Enoden---
I want to introduce the Enoden tram that runs from Fujisawa to Kamakura. There is so much going on around just this little tram that I figured I can fill it up with content.
Maya and I was sponsored for a short while to make an interview Youtube Channel. It never really got off the ground. Maybe someday it will again.
‘Mellow Wave’ was a radio show I had on Tokyo FM for two years with a surfer named Hiromi. We interviewed many surfers from the Shonan area, and video taped a lot of it too.
George Cockle

It’s always great to get up to the sound of a train going by. Clackity Clack Clackity Clack. From as long as I can remember, for as far back as my memory goes I suppose, I always remember the sound of the train going by my window. I grew up in the seaside town of Kamakura, and there we have a small single track railway called the Enoshima Electric Railway which winds through the residential neighborhoods and along the coast between Kamakura and Fujisawa. The Enoden tracks were just over the fence from my house. I was born in 1956 in a hospital that you can actually see from the JR train platform in Kamakura. Every time I take the train into town, I can always see where my life began. In those days and for several decades after that, the Enoden train ran one car or sometimes two cars, there were no four car trains like there are today. When it was a single car the operator actually opened the doors by using a hand crank.
I once again live next to the Enoden tracks and these days I try to get up as I hear the first train of the day go by. Though it is not always possible, I also try to be in bed to hear the last train of the night go by. It is not a fast train by any means but it runs at a steady pace and is usually very punctual. Perhaps the reason for my punctuality.
After leaving Kamakura towards the end of the third grade, we moved to a military base called Tachikawa for two years. After that it was Dallas, Texas for two years and then to Korea for two years. We came back to Japan and ended up moving back to Kamakura for my senior year. Then came college, then the road for over two years and then to Hawaii and San Francisco to surf, work and go back to school. And now, at 66, I am back in Kamakura living next to those tracks again. I guess you could say that I full circle.
I hope you enjoy the stories that appear and will appear on this site as it gets updated.
Clackity Clack Clackity Clack